
Minor in Theology & the Bible


The Theology & the Bible minor is designed for students who may be called to serve in full-time ministry or a service area, such as para-church organizations (educational, missions, or non-profit). Students who are called to law, government, or commerce may benefit with a minor in Theology & the Bible by removing the sacred/secular distinctions in the church and culture, learning how to be salt and light in their vocations, and learning to lead as parents, citizens, and followers of Christ. Students can choose from classes including The Messiah in the Old & New Testament, Romans & Galatians, and Prophecy, the Millennium, & Eschatology. 


This minor is designed for students who wish to develop every area God has created, to learn everything possible about Jesus Christ, and to walk closely with God on a daily basis.

Students minoring in Biblical Studies are encouraged to study Greek, if permitted by their chosen major. The upper level Greek courses provide students with a strong background, understanding, and analysis of text critical issues.


Learning Objectives for the Theology & the Bible Minor

  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the primary text of scripture
  • Engage in inductive Bible study and deployment of relevant tools
  • Discuss the larger picture of the unfolding storyline of redemptive history

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