Copy of NCFCA Judges Neede

See below or click here for more information about the tournament.


I'd like to sign up to judge.


We are excited to announce that PHC is again hosting Stoa Christian speech and debate for a tournament named the PHC Challenge from March 6th – 8th.

The Mission of Stoa is “To train homeschool students to speak boldly and change the world for Christ.”

Community judges are essential to the success of each tournament.

No experience is necessary! Yes, you are qualified! Stoa intentionally seeks judges from different backgrounds and walks of life so that the competitors (ages 12-18) get well-rounded feedback from multiple perspectives.

Judging one round requires a commitment of a couple of hours. Your experience will include a virtual judge orientation available a few days before the tournament, watching and listening to the students assigned to your room, filling out the paper ballots to rank the competitors and offering any feedback you have on their performance. 

Please visit the judge registration page here to register, see the schedule of rounds available, and choose one or more that will work with your schedule. 

The schedule is as follows:

Thursday, March 6: Team Policy Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate, and Parliamentary Debate
Friday, March 7: Team Policy Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate, and Speech|
Saturday, March 8: Team Policy Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Parliamentary Debate, and Speech

The following link provides additional information on registration and virtual judge orientation:

StoaHub | Patrick Henry College Challenge

Judges will receive an email with instructions on how to join the training after they register. Thank you for taking the time to consider this invitation to encourage and equip this next generation of leaders. I am confident that you will be blessed and inspired by what you experience!  If you have any questions about registration, please contact Jenn Wright at or the Stoa PHC Challenge Tournament Director, Dovey Elliott, at