
PHC Alumni Association Tuition Scholarship


Alumni Association

The Patrick Henry College Alumni Association instituted this scholarship in 2008 as a way to help existing students afford the cost of education at PHC. The award generally starts at $2,000 and applied to towards their tuition. Scholarship recipients are chosen through an essay contest each year. The essay prompt is generally released in the spring and students are typically given approximately one month to complete and submit their essay. Alumni Association board members read and grade the essays based on four criteria: mechanics, logic, rhetorical effect, and development of the topic. The award recipient is notified prior to the subsequent fall semester tuition due date.

2018 Recipients

Coming soon!

Past recipients:

2016 - Samuel Lisanti (1st place) & Georgia Cline (2nd place)

2015 - Blaire Baylis & Sebastian Lopez

2014 - Kendra Olson (Read the essay prompt and winning essay)

2013 - Alicia (Constant) McCartney (Read the essay prompt and winning essay)

2012 - Chelsea (Kolz) Boes (Read the essay prompt and winning essay)

2011 - Chelsea (Kolz) Boes

2010 - Anna (Accomazzo) Miller

2009 - Hannah Mitchell-Lowery

2008 - Brianna (Edelblut) Estrada


Read past recipient Chelsea Boes' article on the scholarship.

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