Emergency: ext. 8888 or 540-441-8888
Crimes occur in all sectors of society, and such problems exist on college campuses as well. To assist you in your efforts to avoid becoming a crime victim, the Patrick Henry College Campus Safety office provides this safety and security information for your use. We always encourage “Situational Awareness."
“Situational Awareness” is a term that means you should always check your surroundings before leaving a building, your car, or even when you’re walking.
“Two-person accountability” encourages students to “buddy up” with another student in cases of emergencies and contact needs to be made or for travel plans in case they break down, get lost, change of plans, etc.
Look out for dark areas, shadows, location points where you don’t have more than one way out, and areas where there are no other people around. These are vulnerable spots and should be avoided.
If you feel you are being followed either by a car or while you’re walking, move to a public, crowded area, or drive to a police station. Criminals are looking for easy targets, so don’t be one!
Never walk or jog alone at night. If you do walk or jog at night, do so with at least one other person or in groups.
If you need transportation during evening hours, call Campus Safety for a walking escort or mobile transport.
Should you find yourself walking alone at night, avoid secluded or dimly lit areas. Stay away from wooded areas or locations where shrubs or buildings might provide cover for assailants.
If you feel you are being followed, yell or scream and move toward a public, well-lit area.
Should you become a victim of a crime, call the police immediately.
Always be aware of what is going on around you. Be alert to your surroundings and possible safety concerns, whether you are in your place of residence, moving about on campus, or taking a trip to an unfamiliar area.
Never accept a ride from a stranger.
Always check your “six” meaning look behind you from time to time and know who’s where.
Carry a small, but very bright, flashlight on you at all times when traveling at night.
Sexual assault is defined as sexual contact with another person without the consent of that person either by words or physical contact.
It is never acceptable to use force in sexual situations. Acquaintance assault or date rape is a crime.
You have the right to say "no" to any undesired sexual contact. State your limits clearly and firmly. Don't assume that your date or acquaintance automatically knows how you feel.
If you feel unsafe or think you may be at risk, leave the situation immediately.
If you attend group gatherings or parties, go with friends you trust and keep tabs on them while at the party.
Be particularly aware that alcohol and drugs interfere with a person's ability to make clear decisions and communicate effectively.
All witnessed incidents of sexual or physical abuse must be immediately reported to local law enforcement by calling 9-1-1, and then also immediately reported to Campus Safety by calling 8888 from any campus phone or 540-441-8888 from any other phone. For more information, see PHC's Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Keep your residence hall room door locked whenever the room is unoccupied, if you are in the room alone, or if you are sleeping.
Do not open your residence hall room door unless you can identify the person seeking entrance.
Report suspicious persons or activities in your residence hall to the RA on duty, the hall director, or Campus Safety.
Never prop open exterior doors to residence halls or allow unescorted visitors into the hall.
If your residence hall room key or ID card is lost or stolen, report the loss immediately to the residence hall staff or Campus Safety. Never leave your keys lying around in your room when you are not in the room.
Do not keep large amounts of cash in your room.
Keep your house/apartment door and windows locked when you are in your residence alone, whenever it is unoccupied or if you are sleeping.
Do not open your house/apartment to anyone unless you can identify the person seeking entrance.
Report suspicious persons or activities around your house/apartment building to your jurisdictions' police department.
If your keys are lost or stolen, report the loss immediately to the landlord and to your jurisdictions' police department Never leave your keys lying around your house/apartment when you are not there.
When entering your house/apartment at night, have your keys readily available.
Do not keep large amounts of cash in your house/apartment.
All bicycles and battery-operated conveyances must be registered on campus. Decals must be displayed properly.
Keep your bicycle or battery-operated conveyance securely chained and locked when not in use. Campus Safety can advise you on types of locks and chains that are considered most secure.
Do not park or store your bike in dimly lit areas. At no time should your battery-operated conveyance be stored or kept in doors.
Engrave or permanently mark your bicycle with an identifying number and record that number with Campus Safety.
Keep your automobile locked at all times. Keep doors locked when traveling alone.
Don't park your automobile in secluded or dimly lit areas.
Do not keep valuables or electronics in plain sight in your automobile.
When walking to your automobile at night, have your keys readily in hand.
Always check the back seat before getting into your automobile.
Never offer rides to strangers or hitchhikers.
Check your automobile daily.
Keep a well-maintained vehicle to avoid breakdowns, especially at night.
Protect the safety of your personal property and valuables. Don't allow your property or valuables to be unattended at any time.
Make a list of your valuables including make, model and serial number.
Permanently mark your personal property and valuables with electric engravers.
Help protect your property and the property of others by reporting suspicious activity to Campus Safety.