Emergency: ext. 8888 or 540-441-8888
Should I call Campus Safety if I’ve already called 911?
YES! Campus Safety Officers are already on campus when the emergency call is received, and immediately prepared to respond. Campus Safety Officers will typically arrive on scene before 911 emergency responders and are able to immediately begin stabilizing emergency situations.
Where is Campus Safety located?
Campus Safety operates from the Information Desk located in the Hodel Center lobby.
What are the hours for Campus Safety?
Campus Safety operates 24/7, 365 days per year.
Are escorts available?
Escorts are available to and from areas on campus upon request by calling Campus Safety. Campus Safety Officers cannot escort students to places offsite of campus property.
Where can visitors park?
There are VISITOR parking spaces located close to the northwest corner of Hodel Center, in the VISITOR parking lot located to the west of Founders Hall, and in the southern half of the large, lower parking lot to the east of Founder Hall.
Where can students/staff/faculty park?
Students may only park where it is permitted in accordance with the parking policy, which is posted on the Campus Safety web page for convenient reference. Students may not park in STAFF parking spaces M-F 7 am-5 pm. Students/staff/faculty may not park in the VISITOR parking spaces located close to the northwest corner of Hodel Center, nor in the VISITOR parking lot located to the west of Founders Hall M-F 7 am-5 pm.
Do students/staff/faculty need a parking permit to park on campus?
Valid parking permit decals are required at all times for students, staff, and faculty to be able to park any registered vehicle on campus. Students/staff/faculty needing to park any other non-registered vehicle on campus must obtain a Temporary Parking Permit from Campus Safety at the Information Desk located in Hodel Center.
Do visitors need a parking permit to park on campus?
Visitor parking on campus during daytime hours only do not need a parking permit. Visitors parking overnight on campus require a Temporary Parking Permit, which may be obtained from Campus Safety, at the Information Desk located in Hodel Center.
Can I park my car on campus if I don’t have a parking decal or permit?
Only daytime visitors to the campus may park on campus without a parking decal or permit. No other unauthorized parking is permitted on campus.
Where can I purchase a parking permit?
Parking Permit decals can be purchased through the Office of Public Safety and Event Services or on the Student Portal. Temporary Parking Permits can also be obtained on the Student Portal or at the Information Desk in Hodel Center.
Why does Campus Safety issue parking tickets?
It is important that everyone park only as authorized on campus. Campus Safety is tasked with enforcing the parking regulations, and issues citations to ensure compliance.
Can students have weapons on campus?
See Weapons Policy.
Can Campus Safety unlock academic and professional offices?
Campus Safety does not have access to individually locked academic or professional offices.
What are the curfew hours?
Campus Safety enforces curfew at 12:00 am Sun - Thur, and 1:00 am Fri - Sat.