
Campus Safety: Parking

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Parking Policy

All students, faculty, and staff who choose to bring and park any vehicle on campus must register each such vehicle with the Director of Campus Facilities and Security and obtain and properly display the requisite parking permit onto said vehicle.
Driving and parking one’s vehicle on campus is a privilege and not a right, and that privilege may be revoked at the sole discretion of the College.
Any active student with a vehicle must display a valid PHC parking permit on the vehicle for each semester in which he or she is enrolled.


Each such student is required to obtain a parking permit and register his or her vehicle with the Director of Campus Facilities and Security by completing a Vehicle Registration & Parking Agreement form online through the CAMS portal and paying the appropriate fee. Each vehicle must be registered immediately upon arriving on campus. Permits must be displayed in the lower driver’s side corner of the rear windshield of the vehicle. Only one motor vehicle per registrant may be parked on campus at any given time. Please email parking@phc.edu with any questions.


Vehicle Condition

Each motor vehicle must be in a working, street-legal, road-worthy, and drivable condition to park on campus. All DOT Safety stickers and DMV registrations must be current. Wrecked vehicles may not be parked on campus. A valid state vehicle license and registration shall be maintained for each student vehicle parked on campus. The owner of each such vehicle must maintain liability insurance on each such vehicle as required by the state Department of Motor Vehicles.

Students are prohibited from parking any motor vehicle on campus that does not meet all of the above-stated criteria. Whenever any such vehicle becomes deficient in meeting one or more of the above-stated criteria (i.e., license tags expired, insurance lapsed, flat tire, mechanical breakdown, wrecked, etc.), the owner of the vehicle must immediately bring the deficiency to the attention of the Director of Campus Facilities and Security. An explanation of the problem and the timeframe needed to resolve it must be agreed upon by the Director of Campus Facilities and Security (typically no more than 14 days).


Parking Locations

Students must park their vehicles on campus, and nowhere else, whenever they have reason to be on campus. Students may not park in the neighborhood or the shopping center across the street from campus in an effort to avoid paying for and acquiring a required parking permit.

Students, faculty, and staff may park only in the designated parking spaces on campus for which they are authorized. Parking in a handicapped space without a valid handicap permit, in the spaces reserved for bicycles, in the visitors’ parking lots (to the west of Hodel Center and to the west of Founders Hall) during business hours, in front of any building, or in any parking space not designated by one’s PHC-issued permit is prohibited at all times. A special ADA parking decal may be obtained through the Director of Campus Facilities and Security after a written doctor’s note has been reviewed and signed by the Dean of Students. This decal will only allow the designated person to park in any ADA parking space on campus only. It does not allow you to park in an ADA space off campus. If you have a state-approved ADA placard or plate through the Department of Motor Vehicles for your state, you are authorized to park in any ADA space on campus. If you have a temporary injury and require parking in an ADA space, the Director of Campus Facilities and Security can approve a temporary ADA parking permit until you are able to resume normal activities.

Commuter students can only park vehicles in spaces marked “VISITOR” in the large lower parking lot to the east of Founders Hall, or in an unmarked space in the Hodel Center parking lot. If these spaces are full, the gravel lot should be used. Parking in spaces marked “STAFF” and the visitors’ parking lots (to the west of Hodel Center and to the west of Founders Hall) is not allowed between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM on regular business days.

Parking in front of a building is only allowed for temporary loading or unloading purposes. Such parking shall only be on the FAR side of the road opposite the building entrance, shall never exceed 10 minutes, and is only allowed with 4-way emergency flashers on. Stopping, standing, or parking along any fire lane is prohibited; the Fire Marshal may ticket any vehicle in a fire lane.

Vehicles that are parked improperly will be ticketed and possibly towed at the owner’s expense. The fact that a citation is not issued when a vehicle is improperly parked does not mean or imply that the regulation or rule is no longer in effect. Speeding (over 15mph) on campus is not acceptable for any reason and the drivers will be fined.



Student vehicles must be removed from campus for Christmas Break and Summer Break unless other arrangements have been made with the Director of Campus Facilities and Security. 



The College is not responsible for loss or damage to vehicles parked on or in transit on PHC property.

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