Emergency: ext. 8888 or 540-441-8888
(July 2024)
Firearms or replicas thereof, ammunition, stun guns, airsoft guns, pellet guns, BB guns, paintball guns, fixed blade knives (excluding folding pocket knives under 4”), hatchets, axes, swords, bows/arrows, weapons or devices which injure or have the potential to injure another person or property, explosives/explosive devices, fireworks, and dangerous chemicals or fuels are not permitted on campus grounds, dorms, buildings, or the property in general, at any time without the authorization of the Director of Campus Facilities and Security.
Benefits-eligible employees of Patrick Henry College, Home School Legal Defense Association, or ParentalRights.org who possess a valid/current CCW (concealed carry weapons) permit that is legally recognized in Virginia are authorized to carry a concealed handgun on campus provided:
Advanced written notification is submitted to the Director of Campus Facilities and Security (on a provided form).
A copy of the CCW permit shall be submitted with the application.
The CCW carrier’s authorization to carry a concealed weapon on campus ends with his/her separation from employment with Patrick Henry College, Home School Legal Defense Association, or ParentalRights.org.
The firearm is only carried when the CCW carrier is awake, alert, and not under the influence of any substance that may impair cognitive or psychomotor abilities.
The carried firearm is kept fully concealed upon the CCW carrier’s person, or safely stowed out-of-sight and secured within a locked vehicle, or locked office (if applicable).
No firearm(s) or ammunition may be kept inside, or stored within any campus residence hall (dorm) at any time.
CCW carriers must keep their privilege of carrying a concealed firearm on campus wholly confidential.
No open carry of firearms is permitted on campus except for law enforcement personnel and persons expressly so authorized by the College and the Director of Campus Facilities and Security.
CCW carriers may not reveal, expose, show, or display their concealed firearm to any other persons on campus except when emergency conditions prompt the carrier to deploy their concealed firearm for self-defense.
CCW carriers shall comply with all laws applicable to Virginia’s concealed weapons permit .
CCW carriers presumptively release the College, their employer/board/affiliated organizations/officers/employees/agents from any and all liability related to their carrying of a concealed firearm on campus.
CCW holders will abide by all state laws regarding Virginia’s CCW permits and/or policies/procedures established by PHC.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Patrick Henry College is private property and reserves its right to restrict any person from bringing weapons on to campus.
Applications for requesting an exception to the above-stated policy are available through the Director of Campus Facilities and Security. All such requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. All decisions are rendered by the College are final, not subject to appeal.