
Chapel Worship and Arts

Ryan Slemmer

Music and corporate worship are integral parts of campus life at Patrick Henry College. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, members of the Chapel Worship and Arts team lead scripture reading and worship through song. There are a total of three worship teams comprised of three to six musicians, each under the direction of a student leader. Worship teams are responsible for combining the elements of worship into thoughtful sequences that encourage participation. Because of this, worship leaders prayerfully select music that respects the diversity of Christian backgrounds and traditions represented within our student body.

Chapel Worship and Arts members are characterized by stewardship, hearts for service, and a desire to encourage fellow students in the gospel. They are willing to commit time to both individual practice and regular team rehearsals and are scheduled to lead chapel worship on a rotating basis. They recognize that serving on a worship team is both a responsibility and an opportunity to lead fellow students in the worship of the Living God.

Application and Audition

All students interested in joining Chapel Worship and Arts must complete the Audition Form (sent out via email before Orientation Week each semester) and schedule an audition time. Auditions are held at the beginning of each fall semester to assess individual skill and place qualified students on the appropriate worship team.

Patrick Henry College Music Department

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