Imago - word graphics, updated 6-1-24 FINAL (2200 px)


This eight-lecture course brings together PHC professors and a group of distinguished speakers to shed light on some of the most pressing issues facing the church today.

Help equip others with the Truth

Patrick Henry College is pleased to offer this—our first online course—for free. PHC is committed to preserving America for future generations by educating the best and brightest Christian students with high academic rigor, fidelity to the spirit of the American founding, and an unwavering biblical worldview. We believe these three commitments are unique in higher education. With this course, we are excited to share a bit of what we do at the College.

Book offer


You can help support this and other PHC initiatives like it. PHC accepts no government funding—allowing us to remain independent—but we are ultimately dependent on the generous gifts of people like you. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Patrick Henry College today to help create more content like this course and educate the next generation of conservative Christian leaders.

Any gift is appreciated, but if you give a gift of $100 or more, we’ll send you a signed copy of PHC professor and Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Mark T. Mitchell’s most recent book, Plutocratic Socialism: The Future of Private Property and the Fate of the Middle Class.

We pray that you are blessed and better equipped by these lectures and we invite you to share this course with others!

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