Professor of English
Dr. Cory L. Grewell
Phone: 540-441-8162
Educational Background:
Ph.D. in English, Northeastern University
M.A. in English, California State University, Bakersfield
B.A. in English, The Master's College
Time at PHC: 2013 to present
Dr. Cory Grewell teaches classes in Western Literature, British Literature, Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, and Literary Criticism at Patrick Henry College. He has published work on Owen Barfield and J.R.R. Tolkien as well as Contemporary Medievalism and Noir Fiction. His scholarly interests are Christianity and Literature, especially the imaginative intersection between reading, writing, and participating the Being of God; Renaissance Drama; Detective Fiction; and the works of the Inklings, especially Owen Barfield. His essay on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fall of Arthur, entitled “The Elegaic Fantasy of Past Christendom” featured in the book Inklings and Arthur won the Mythopoeic Society’s award for best Scholarly Book of the Year in Inklings Studies. Outside of academics, Dr. Grewell enjoys golf, baseball, and longform TV drama. He lives in Northern Virginia with his lovely wife, two handsome and charming sons, and cantankerous dachshund Gatsby.