Faculty | Patrick Henry College

Leslie Sillars, Ph.D.

Written by Patrick Henry College | 2/24/16 10:45 PM

Associate Academic Dean; Professor of Journalism

Email: ldsillars@phc.edu

Phone: 540-441-8230

Educational Background:
Ph.D. in Journalism, University of Texas (Austin)
Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary
Bachelor of Religious Education, Briercrest Bible College

Time at PHC: 2002 to present

 Dr. Sillars (University of Texas at Austin) is Professor of Journalism and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. He has been teaching at PHC since 2002. He directs also internships, serves as a student adviser, and oversees The Herald, PHC's student newspaper. He writes and edits for worldmag.org and is host of World’s narrative podcast Doubletake. His work has also appeared in Touchstone, The American Conservative, The Gospel Coalition, First Things, and others. His first book, Intended for Evil: A Survivor's Story of Love, Faith, and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields, came out in October 2016.