In the PHC Library catalog, you can search a variety of resources by title, author, keyword, or phrase, linking you to journal articles, ebooks, and print books in the on-campus collection. The more specific your search terms, the more specific the results will be. You may also want to check the Strategic Intelligence Research Guide for additional potential sources.
If you are accessing electronic resources from off-campus and are required to log in, use your student portal user name and password to gain access. If you have difficulty with the website or accessing any resources, please let library staff know by email at or
Professional library assistance is available on campus, by phone at 540-441-8400, or by email at
Many of the required readings and textbooks are on reserve and are available for 2 hour check out, in-library use only, at the library circulation desk. The library has extensive resources for research in this area.
Oxford encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World - Ref DS 35.53 .O95 1995.
Terrorism: Essential Primary Sources - HV6431 .T465 2006
Terrorism and violence in Islamic history - Online only
Making of a Terrorist - DS 3 DS 31 .M353 2006
Middle East Patterns - DS 44 .H418 2006.
Talking to Terrorists: Understanding the psycho-social motivations of militant jihadi terrorists, mass hostage takers, suicide bombers & "martyrs" - HV 6431 .S6496 2012
Terrorism and national security - Online only
Voices of terror : manifestos, writings, and manuals of Al Qaeda, Hamas, and other terrorists from around the world and throughout the ages - HV 643 .V65 2004
You can search for articles by title, author, keyword, and phrase or you can browse a specific linked from the library's Periodical Listing.
The Economist (In print and online, 2001 to Present)
Current history: a journal of world affairs (In print, 2001-Present, Online 1988 to 2010)
Stratfor is a news analysis provider that covers political, economic, and military developments from around the world, including breaking news.
For specific and current information by country, check out the CIA's World Factbook and the BBC's Country Profile's. Additionally, the BBC offers breaking news stories from the Middle East.
ProQuest and Academic Search Premier provide access to thousands of current general and subject specific scholarly journal articles.
LexisNexis provides access to wide range of news (full-text newspapers) business, government, legal and reference information.
Council on Foreign Relations is an independent research and policy analysis center focusing on complex foreign policy issues.
Heritage Foundation as a conservative "think tank" provides research and promotes international policies inline with their values of individual freedom and strong national defense.
Brookings Institute provides research and formulates policy recommendations on a variety of issues including international conflicts.
Center for Strategic and International Studies - Middle East Desk analyzes national security and foreign policy issues related to the Middle East.
In-country newspapers in English may be located through a general google search and helpful in identifying key people, places and events.
Citation help needed? Try OWL (Online Writing Lab) for Chicago/Turabian, MLA, and APA styling formats.
Created: Dr. Gordon Middleton/Thornhill, 2016. Last updated: Thornhill, 2023.