
Journalism & Digital Media | Academics

The classes have taught me
to develop rough ideas into comprehensive narratives,
to harness my curiosity productively,
and to be persistent and dedicated
to my work.
—Harvest Prude ('18)

The Journalism & Digital Media major prepares Christian students to be outstanding journalists.

Students will gain the skills, knowledge, and experience they will need to compete effectively for positions with news media in local, regional, and national markets. Students also develop a strong sense of professionalism, a respect for the institution of journalism and its role in maintaining a free society, and the ability to understand and evaluate trends and practices in contemporary journalism. Most importantly, they will develop a biblically-based philosophy of journalism to guide them as they seek truth as the ultimate goal in all that they investigate and report.


The Program

All Journalism & Digital Media majors study basic news reporting and writing (Intro to Journalism), Narrative Nonfiction, Multimedia Skills, as well as Media Law and Digital Design I. The Major combines carefully designed Journalism and Digital Media courses with PHC’s Core Curriculum. Students gain the wisdom necessary to understand the culture and the skills to tell true and compelling stories in any medium: online, print, audio, and video.


Still in high school?

We have just the thing for you! Check out our WORLD Journalism Institute Multi-Media Camp at Patrick Henry College. You’ll experience life as a reporter in a digital world. You will learn how to conduct interviews, how to record and edit video and audio files, and how to tell stories. Mostly importantly, you’ll discover how to think biblically about the news. You will find and craft stories for several platforms and practice engaging your audience.


Explore WORLD Journalism Institute Multimedia Camp