Seeds of Opportunity

Written by Les Sillars | August 1, 2018 at 1:37 PM

daniel kishiPHC Journalism alumnus Daniel Kishi ('17) has been keeping an eye on the journalism industry from his position as associate editor at The American Conservative. His latest piece notes, “The death of the newspaper industry is being hastened by those who want to profit off of it.”

That’s true. Newspapers are going through a very difficult time and the corporations who own newspapers see little reason to invest in a failing business model. But it is also true that the industry’s struggles open up new ways of thinking about journalism. There have never been more opportunities to tell true stories in many, many different ways. As I point out in an essay in WORLD’s Saturday Series, “This is a perfect time for Christians to embrace journalism. Disruption offers an opportunity to build and support excellent news organizations that offer true stories, but to do that believers will need to rethink their approach to news. … “ Read the rest here.