5 Blog Posts You HAVE to Read if You're in High School

Posted by Evie Fordham on 3/19/18 9:00 AM

High school advice If you're in high school, maybe this quote will resonate with you...

“I wanted to figure out why I was so busy, but I couldn't find the time to do it.” 

It's from pastor Todd Stocker. Yes, it's humorous, but there's also a definite truth to the statement. If you're in high school and juggling homework, sports, family, and friends, you get it.

So that's why we here at LearnPHC are saving you time and giving you this list of the top five blog posts you NEED to read if you're a high school student. Don't put off reading these posts; they have valuable info in them that will guide you on your journey to graduation and beyond. Click each header for a link.


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1. Should I take a gap year?

Is a gap year all fun and games, or is it hard work? Is it really worth it for you to take a year off of school after graduating high school? This post explores the pros and cons of delaying college.


Succeed on college apps

2. Five ways to stand out on college applications.

If you're a high school junior or senior, life can feel pretty up-in-the-air. But rest assured, God has a college in store for you. With that in mind, however, there are five things that you can be doing right now to streamline your college applications and make you as appealing a candidate as you can possibly be.



Better Writing

3. College profs reveal what makes a good writer.

High school is a time in your life when you do a lot of writing, whether it's for class or for college applications. Make every word count by reading this blog post that details what professors look for in a Grade A essay!



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4. Here are tips for combating the busyness in high school.

You’re probably very well acquainted the problem of busyness in our culture. Everyone is busy. Some people use it as a sign of success and status. Others are addicted to it. For many of us, it is just a way of life: we’re busy because we have to be in order to get everything done.


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5. Find out what book you should read next.

Reading a variety of challenging books during your high school years is a great way to grow your mind and prepare yourself for higher education. Many colleges ask for a list of books high school students applicants read to get a better picture of who they are and what they have learned.




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