Meet the 2024 women PHC Teen Camp counselors!

Posted by Hannah Gaschler on 6/18/24 10:54 AM

PHC Teen Leadership Camps

PHC's Teen Leadership Camps start this week! Get to know the female counselors below. We asked them about the reason they're excited for PHC Teen Camps, their favorite hobbies, and the scariest thing they've done.

Poppy Brink

PHC Teen Camps: I am most excited to be able to pour into these students; I cannot wait to hear their stories, help them grow, and direct them toward Christ. I look forward to deepening my relationship with Christ through service, mentorship, and evangelism. I also am super hyped to be a part of such an awesome camp team!

Hobbies: Favorite hobbies/things I'm passionate about include: swimming, some calligraphy, and flowers (I don't know if that counts as a hobby, I just really love them 😂). I also really love chickens and ducks.

The scariest thing: The scariest thing I've ever done was probably speaking in front of over 1000 people. It didn't go as fabulously as I thought. ...but I am SO glad I still did it.

Meet the 2024 Men's Teen Camp Counselors

Hannah Davidsmeier

PHC Teen Camps: I am looking forward to having fun with young people for the glory of God!

Hobbies: I love music and I love to play piano, so if you ever want to have a jam session or sing-along with me, I would be totally on board with that!

The scariest thing: One time, I was on a boat in a really bad storm in Lake Superior, and the waves were taller than the boat. But God took care of us, and we arrived safely at our destination. 

Becca Doty

PHC Teen Camps: I love getting to have conversations with the campers, and God never fails to show His love in new ways through all of the kids I get to meet.

Hobbies: I love to lift weights and go to the gym with my family; and possibly a bit counterproductively, I love to bake!

The scariest thing: I'm the oldest child raised by a military dad, so nothing was ever truly scary 😂. I would say the closest thing would be successfully passing TWO Dr. Spinney classes. 

Kailey Jones

PHC Teen Camps: I am most excited to meet the campers and to see how God works this summer. I know the Lord will do amazing things through PHC Teen Camps and I am so grateful to be a part of it.

Hobbies: I love talking to people, picking up a new instrument, playing with my two cats, reading the mock trial Rules of Evidence, or belting musical theater songs in my car.

The scariest thing: I once handfed baby alligators. My family was on vacation in the Florida Everglades and we went on a boat with a guy and he made us feed the baby alligators bread. 

Katie Northcott

PHC Teen Camps: I am most excited for chapel and wing chapel. It's so encouraging to hear campers' questions and see their desire to know the Lord. Worshiping together is the cherry on top.

Hobbies: I like baking, writing, and reading. Another one of my favorite hobbies is running, so I'm excited to play sports (especially soccer) during rec time.

The scariest thing: I'm not much of a risk taker. I think the scariest thing I've ever done is dive competitively in high school.

Anna Smith

Anna.croppedPHC Teen Camps: I am so excited to meet all of you!! It's going to be such a fun week, and I look forward to learning more about Jesus and His Word together!

Hobbies: I love studying Bible prophecy, which—fun fact—makes up 27% of the Bible! God always fulfills His Word, and we can have complete confidence in that partly because of prophecy, which I think is so cool.​

The scariest thing: I snorkeled with sharks in Belize once (I am terrified of sharks).

Linnea Stuart

Linnea.cropped-1PHC Teen Camps: I am so excited to walk with campers in Christ! Fortunately, we get to do this during the whole week. I am so ready to listen and laugh and talk about Jesus. Wing chapel is a special time to reflect on how we saw Christ work during our day. I can't wait to see what conversations we get to have during that time.

Hobbies: I compete on PHC's mock trial and moot court teams! I also love traveling and meeting people from different cultures.

The scariest thing: While I was scuba diving, I once had to kick a shark!

Lisa Venturini

LisaMAIN.croppedPHC Teen Camps: I am most looking forward to seeing the Lord work in such unique ways in the lives of each camper and counselor!

Hobbies: Being outside and music are two of my favorite things. Whether it is going on a walk or playing music, I enjoy watching and listening to God's creation.

The scariest thing: One of the scariest things I have done was probably going to work as a camp counselor across the country in Oregon. Before going, I was not familiar with the family that was picking me up from the airport and whose house I was staying at, but I knew that I had a "yes" from God. It was a leap of faith, and it turned out to be one of the biggest blessings. 
Learn more about Teen Leadership Camps!

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