Jack Haye

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President Haye reflects on his trip to Pakistan

Posted by Jack Haye on 6/24/24 5:00 PM

Stories have a way of capturing our imaginations and transporting us into their space unlike mere facts and figures can do. For with facts and figures, we are looking “at” something, as C.S. Lewis...

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Putting your "yes" on the table

Posted by Jack Haye on 4/22/24 8:53 AM

We think it’s you.” [stunned silence…]

The phone call came in late July as I was walking across the parking lot headed home for the day. It was from the chairman of the President Search Committee at...

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An Unwavering Biblical Worldview

Posted by Jack Haye on 6/24/20 11:44 AM

What comes to your mind when you think about God?

In The Knowledge of the Holy, Christian author and pastor A.W. Tozer wrote, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important...

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Fidelity to the Spirit of the American Founding

Posted by Jack Haye on 6/22/20 9:30 AM

The leaders who drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America believed that we have certain inalienable rights that have been endowed by our Creator.


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Power Versus a True Spirit of Freedom

Posted by Jack Haye on 6/19/20 8:30 AM

The ripple effects of the global health crisis have commanded our attention for months. Now, just since last week's message, clashes in our communities have taken over our news feeds; uncovering yet...

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The Founders and Religious Liberty

Posted by Jack Haye on 6/17/20 8:30 AM

Have there been times in the past few months when you have wondered, "Where is God? Do the wind and waves still obey His command?"

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Dear Class of 2020

Posted by Jack Haye on 5/8/20 11:59 AM

Though Patrick Henry College's commencement ceremony has been postponed, President Jack Haye wanted to send off the graduating class with some words of encouragement. Read what he had to say...

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For Such a Time as This…

Posted by Jack Haye on 3/27/20 5:53 PM

Looking back just a couple years ago the threats to our freedoms looked different in many ways than they do today. In light of the world-wide pandemic, we are now in an emergency response mode that...

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