Why we teach: "A Worldview Sniper for Christ"

Posted by Julia Adams on 5/16/24 8:27 AM

I can still remember the nervous excitement in my chest when I walked into my first history class during my freshman year with Dr. Doug Favelo. I selected a seat in the middle of the room—not in the...

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Why we teach: being first among equals

Posted by Julia Adams on 5/10/24 12:39 PM

As I walk into the Academic Suite in the Barbara Hodel Center, I laugh to myself as I recall the sense of trepidation I felt when I first met with Dr. Cory Grewell during my first semester on...

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"God Tricked Me"

Posted by Gretchen Whittington on 5/2/24 9:58 AM

“Why now?”

As an entrepreneur, Michael Haynes knew how to prepare for change. You make a flexible five-year plan, and when something comes up, you can change track without changing focus. Reassess...

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How Col. Middleton Built an Unrivaled Strategic Intelligence Program

Posted by Allie Shipe on 6/26/22 12:00 AM

We are not primarily called to do something or go somewhere; we are called to Someone. The key to answering the call is to be devoted to no one and to nothing above God himself. – Os Guinness


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How A Crisis Can Be Valuable

Posted by Rachel Cochrane on 3/18/22 12:00 PM

Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Government Dr. Mark Mitchell discussed how we should go about living our lives amidst a national crisis in his lecture titled “Power, COVID-19, and Little...

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Three Things That Haven't Changed After 20 Years

Posted by Rachel Cochrane on 9/14/20 10:24 AM

PHC looks forward to celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year as the school reflects on where it has been in the last two decades. Many things have changed since PHC opened its small one-building...

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Dear Professors: Part II

Posted by Rachel Cochrane on 9/2/20 3:56 PM

PHC faculty pour so much into their work. They spend long hours preparing for lectures, engaging with students, and grading assignments. PHC highly esteems its commitment to academic rigor,...

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Top Five Mistakes Students Make with Turabian Formatting

Posted by Rachel Cochrane on 8/18/20 9:38 AM

One of the hardest things to learn when adjusting to college academics is understanding how to correctly format an essay. Our professors require Turabian formatting, so we talked to some of our...

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Why We Teach - Dr. Steve Hake

Posted by Rachel Cochrane on 8/3/20 9:45 AM

PHC's professors are the backbone of the school. They spend long hours teaching classes and grading assignments. While not in the classroom, they often mentor students.

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Why We Teach - Dr. Kristina Tanner

Posted by Rachel Cochrane on 7/31/20 8:15 AM

PHC faculty are the heart of the school; they are not only teachers, but they are also mentors and friends. We wanted to talk to some faculty about why they chose to teach at PHC and what their...

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