Students in the Classical Liberal Arts Major pursue a rigorous interdisciplinary focus in the liberal arts, preparing them for graduate school, seminary, or the workforce. Students are required to take five courses developing an integrated philosophical, historical, literary, and biblical worldview and then may use Major Course Electives to continue to gain broad exposure to the liberal arts disciplines. To fulfill their apprenticeship credits, students pursue research projects, applied internships or practica. Students study a classical language.
1. Demonstrate effective research and writing skills
2. Analyze significant cultural issues in the historical development of the classical liberal arts
3. Articulate a thorough integration of faith and learning in classical liberal arts disciplines
The Classical Liberal Arts major is comprised of the following credit allowances:
63 credits in the Core Curriculum
36 Major Credits
CLA Major Courses (15 credits)
The Messiah in the Old and New Testament
Classical Mythology
Apprenticeship Courses (3 credits)
Directed Research and Writing: Capstone
Major Course Electives (18 credits)
Chose 12 credits from Theology, English, Greek, History, Latin, Math, Music, Philosophy, Science
Apprenticeship Electives (6 credits of internship, practicum, or directed research and writing in the Classical Liberal Arts