
Patrick Henry College: Influencing the World for Christ

Spring 2017Patrick Henry College sent students off across the globe on mission trips to minister to those in need and spreading the love of Christ to all they encountered.  Two teams left the weekend before Spring break, one heading to Tegucigalpa, Honduras and the other to Athens, Greece. While these teams may have been the first set of PHC students to venture out in missions to these countries, they are certainly not the last!

Our mission at Patrick Henry College is to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders who will faithfully lead in their homes, their communities, in the marketplace, in prominent positions of public service on both state and national stages. Leaders who understand that we are to live on mission; to be active participants in God’s story of redemption all around us – at the grocery, at the office, at church, on Capitol Hill, in Greece and Honduras as well as in our hometown.
—Jack Haye, President
Greece Missions Trip Patrick Henry College PHC
Honduras Missions Trip Patrick Henry College PHC
Greece Mission Trip Patrick Henry College PHC
Honduras Mission Trip Patrick Henry college PHC
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