The PHC students loved listening to the “Primary Dr. G” talk about his time spent overseas in the Air Force, how he met his wife, and growing up with PHC professor Frank Guliuzza.
1. Randy Guliuzza kicked off the weekend by speaking in chapel
2. Then later, he knocked the socks off everyone when he spoke on God’s intelligent design of the human reproductive system
Or, as Thomas Ziemnick, Vice President for Advancement, called it, “Uncle Randy’s Birds and the Bees Talk.”
3. There were dozens of books and DVDs for sale
4. Plus, if you wanted to get ahead on your Christmas shopping, you could have bought coal for your enemies
5. There were even some PHC and ICR free give-away’s!
6. A T-Rex skeleton was a favorite at the book sale
7. And speaking of dinosaurs, Dr. Marcus Ross’ breakout session on paleontology was packed
8. PHC Physics professor, Dr. Michael Kucks, led a breakout discussion Saturday afternoon
9. The first session, on the importance of the foundation of Genesis, was led by Dr. Jason Lisle, an astrophysicist
10. Over a thousand people came to the PHC gym to watch Dr. Henry Morris III speak on Friday night
Morris’ presentation offered an overview of the importance of ICR
11. Some of those guests took tours of the campus with PHC student ambassadors!
Katie Segesdy gives a tour of the school for ICR attendees
12. To keep listeners involved, ICR offered prizes for the two people with the most tweets about the conference which used #UTMGPHC
13. The conference ran smoothly due to dozens of PHC student volunteers
They helped greet guests, direct traffic, and set up equipment