The Patrick Henry College coffee shop was flooded as students gathered for a collective break from studying for final exams. The Christmas Cheer Committee (or "CCC" for short) and the PHC Music Department collaborated to host a festive Christmas Tree lighting complete with live Christmas music performances and ornament decorating.
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Student and faculty performances of classic Christmas songs and hymns were met with applause. There was only standing room in the coffee shop, so students sat on the floor and at tables in the Barbara Hodel Center lobby. Some brought their laptops to get in some extra words on essays, but many came just to enjoy the break of the festivities with their friends.
The Christmas Cheer Committee set up a delicious Hot Chocolate bar with Christmas cookies and treats, which were well-enjoyed. Each table in the lobby had a selection of navy, gold, silver and transparent ornaments for students to decorate with an array of colored sharpies. Drawings of snowflakes, stars, and Christmas trees were popular designs, along with Christmas sayings like “Let it Snow” and “Peace on Earth.” Students had the choice of adding their ornament to the trees in the BHC lobby or taking home as a keepsake for their own Christmas tree.
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The music performances lead by the PHC Music Department filled the atmosphere with Christmas cheer. A violin chamber group, a trio of harps, a guitar soloist, and multiple vocal performances were among the live acts performed. These culminated in the Christmas tree lighting, which was met with cheers and applause. After the tree lighting, students gathered for caroling in each of the dorms to spread the Christmas cheer to the rest of the student body.