Biblical worldview as the foundation of teaching: Meet PHC's new Int'l Politics and Policy professor!

Posted by Josiah Hemp on 7/29/24 11:46 AM

PHC hires Dr. Moore as the new International Politics & Policy professor

Dr. Greg Moore has just joined PHC as a full-time professor for the International Politics and Policy Track  of the Government major! “[PHC is] conservative, it’s Christian, it’s a place where I fit in, it’s a place I’ll be at home,” Dr. Moore said. “With its commitment to  high academic standards, it is exciting to be able to work with some really good students.” 

Dr. Moore spent much of his life in Colorado. His family has just relocated from there to Virginia and he is excited to begin teaching at PHC in the fall.

Dr. Moore specializes in international politics, foreign policy, international security, and Chinese politics and foreign policy. He has studied China extensively, having lived there for 14 years. He has recently been researching and writing about China’s increasingly totalitarian government and the threat it presents, as well as the increasing danger of a Mainland Chinese invasion of Taiwan. 

Before PHC, he was a Stanton Fellow at the U.S. Air Force Academy. The fellowship focused on nuclear weapons policy and strategy. He has also taught at several universities in both China and the U.S.  

While Dr. Moore has taught at secular universities in the U.S. and China, he said he feels at home teaching in Christian schools like PHC. “It will be refreshing to be at Patrick Henry where I can just say, ‘Hey, what does the Bible say about this,’ or ‘Hey, it’s time for our exam. Before you take the exam, I want to pray for you.’” 

Dr. Greg Moore conservative Christian

At a previous university, Dr. Moore had the opportunity to teach a freshman "great books" class and came to love classical education. His children have been  homeschooled  classically. “It was a blast; I became a better teacher and more of a master of a lot of literature that I maybe wouldn’t have gotten to study because it was outside of my own discipline.”

Dr. Moore looks forward to bringing Scripture and a biblical worldview into the classroom at PHC as the foundation of his teaching. One of Dr. Moore’s books is on Reinhold Niebuhr, a Protestant ethicist who wrote about foreign policy from a Christian perspective. While he counts himself more conservative than Niebuhr was, he says Niebuhr’s work “shaped my thinking about how we as Christians approach politics and foreign policy,” Dr. Moore said. 

For years, Dr. Moore has maintained a large Word document in which he gathers Scripture passages about international relations, war, and foreign policy so that he might better understand what the Bible says about his field. 

At PHC, Dr. Moore hopes to grow and strengthen the International Politics and Policy (IPP) track of the Government major. 

“No matter your politics, our nation is an ever more global and interconnected place,” he said. “Whether it's COVID or illegal immigration, the world is coming in, so we need to be prepared to deal with that as Christian thinkers, as Christian policymakers, as Christian business people, and as missionaries.” 

Dr. Greg Moore global Christian thinkers

Dr. Moore will teach several classes including Political Science Research Methods, International Relations, and various area studies classes on Africa, China, and other regions. He says he will look at the curriculum and opportunities available for IPP students and explore ways to serve them better. 

Dr. Moore envisions “giving students more opportunities to bring more of the world to PHC, to equip people to be able to go back out into that world as thoughtful Christian men and women, and to influence it for Christ.” 

International Politics and Policy at PHC


 Patrick Henry College exists to glorify God by challenging the status quo in higher education, lifting high both faith and reason within a rigorous academic environment; thereby preserving for posterity the ideals behind the "noble experiment in ordered liberty" that is the foundation of America.


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