News and Events - Patrick Henry College

2021's Top 21  (part 3)

Written by Stephen Allen | 12/28/21 8:14 PM

Did you miss part 1 or 2? Join us now for the last of our 21 highlights from 2021.

 15. Banner Enrollment!

Last fall at Patrick Henry College, we celebrated the arrival of a truly remarkable freshman class—not just the largest incoming class in Patrick Henry College's history.

Read the amazing highlights from the newest class to join PHC. 

16. Examining the Biblical Understanding of Identity and Personhood: PHC's Imago Dei Project

The Imago Dei Project emerges out of the conviction that, to train the next generation of Christian leaders, PHC needs to teach students to appreciate and champion what the Bible says is true about the human condition, man’s relationship with God, and the beauty of the blueprint embedded in creation. As Mark Mitchell, Dean of Academic Affairs at PHC, put it, “We need to be better at preparing our students to think clearly about some of the most divisive issues of our day, and these questions ultimately turn on what it means to be a human being.”

But what is the Imago Dei project? Lean more here. 

17. PHC's 2020-2021 Record-Setting Season in Collegiate Forensics Competition

Moot Court: PHC was ranked the #1 program in collegiate Brief Writing, #1 in Oral Advocacy, and #1 overall collegiate program—the first time PHC has earned top recognition in all three categories.

Mock Trial: PHC's Mock Trial Team placed third overall at Mock Trial Nationals—the best PHC season ever in Mock Trial. 

Civic Debate: PHC teams shut out the competition, including several Ivy League institutions, to bring home both the gold and silver in a national civic debate competition this past weekend—a first for Patrick Henry College.

Read more here

...and since we're on the topic of winning legacies and forensics competitions... 

18. PHC's Graduates Continuing Their Winning Legacy Into Their Law Schools. 

Last fall, the Meintjes brothers—both Patrick Henry College graduates and forensics superstars—won the SMU, Dallas Appellate Lawyers Association Moot Court Title! Also last fall, Michael Patton and Christopher Baldacci, two graduates from the Patrick Henry College Class of 2019, took first place at the University of Virginia School of Law’s 93rd William Minor Lile Moot Court Competition. But wait! There's more...

19. Rickey Bolden, pastor and former NFL lineman for the Cleveland Browns, shared with the students in chapel

"Make sure you know why you are here," Bolden said. "The reason why you are here is to take ownership of your faith. Yes, you're going to be educated, but make sure that while you are here, you take ownership of your faith. It's critical."

Bolden encouraged them to live uncomfortably for the Gospel—somewhere between being amazed at God's might and being afraid of the next challenge.

20. Lessons & Carols: A PHC Tradition

The PHC Chorale, Chamber Orchestra, Flute Ensemble, and Harp Ensemble presented a traditional service of carols and readings, telling the story of the coming of the Savior. It begins with the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden, then describes God’s promise to Abraham, recounts the prophecies about Christ as told in Isaiah, details the story of Christ’s birth as recalled in the Book of Luke, and, finally, ends with the mystery of the “word made flesh” as explained in John chapter one.

You can enjoy the service here

21. Former VP, Mike Pence, Delivers a Policy Speech on Education in America at PHC

Former Vice President, Mike Pence, traveled to Patrick Henry College to discuss the role of parents in public education, calling for a continuation to the freedom of choice in K-12 schooling. His arrival marks the latest chapter in the ongoing conversation revolving around Northern Virginia’s school curriculum, parental influence, and school choice that has put Loudoun County in the national spotlight.

Read more here.


Thank you for joining us on this tour of the top 21 moments of 2021. We appreciate your prayer and support as we lean in to Christ and look forward with confidence, anticipation, hope, and excitement in the Lord for 2022. We pray for God's continued rich blessing in the new year for all of those who are part of the PHC family.  


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