
The unique fusion of three commitments sets Patrick Henry College apart from any other college in the world. PHC prepares its graduates to make an immediate and enduring impact for Christ and for liberty.

About Page Three Distinctives

Patrick Henry College rivals the academic rigor of any
Ivy League or elite institution.


We build a foundation that graduates can rely on for the rest of their lives. The bedrock of PHC's academic program is its commitment to an extensive Classical Core curriculum of 63 credits founded on the great texts and ideas that have stood the test of time, starting with the Holy Scriptures. Regardless of major, every student must complete the entire core. This enables faculty to assume prior student knowledge, allowing advanced mastery in upper-level courses. PHC's philosophy of education is not just a sequence of courses, but a conceptual framework and methodology that teaches students how to think, not what to think.



 High academic rigor and conservative principles are insufficient unless
informed by the belief that God is the source of all Truth.


No matter what the tides of culture might bring, PHC remains steadfast in its mission to educate young men and women for Christ. Patrick Henry College has taken specific measures to ensure our commitment to a biblical worldview. Our Statement of Faith is affirmed and signed by all students, staff, faculty, and trustees. In addition, members of the faculty, administrators, and trustees also affirm and sign a Statement of Biblical Worldview, further emphasizing our Christian mission.

Patrick Henry College is the only college in the nation dedicated to all three commitments.





Since its founding in 2000, PHC has a record of accomplishments that few colleges, Christian or otherwise, can match.




4 United States Supreme Court clerks within a 4-year period



Graduates accepted and thriving at top-tier law schools such as Yale, Harvard, and Columbia



13 Moot Court National Championships within a 18-year period (Moot Court is a simulated argument before the Supreme Court)



Top feeder school for White House and Capitol Hill internships



3 press secretaries concurrently serving in the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives



Graduates published in the New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, WORLD Magazine, and regularly appearing on Fox News and CNN



Graduates excelling at the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security



"The best orators and writers in the world come from Patrick Henry College."

Mark Meadows, Former White House Chief of Staff



More from Patrick Henry College

Patrick Henry College exists to glorify God by challenging the unacceptable status quo in higher education, lifting high both faith and reason within a rigorous academic environment; thereby preserving for posterity the ideals behind the "noble experiment in ordered liberty" that is the foundation of America. Patrick Henry College believes that God is the source of all truth, be it spiritual, moral, philosophical, or scientific. For this reason, we seek to educate students in God's truth throughout the entire curriculum. Christian faith and genuine learning cannot be separated; neither is our Christian faith a mere addendum to the liberal learning process. Instead, our Christian faith precedes and informs all that we at Patrick Henry College study, teach, and learn.



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