Patrick Henry College's Strategic Intelligence program seeks to integrate quality classroom education with practical experience, leadership opportunities, and a classical liberal arts perspective. The Strategic Intelligence in National Security Major equips students with a respect for the intelligence function and its role in defending a free society and cultivates their ability to anticipate moral, ethical, and mission challenges in order to defend the security of the United States.
Learn more about this one-of-a-kind program, its faculty, and alumni in the program guide.
Congratulations, Strategic Intelligence students! PHC’s Cyber Strategy team won the New York regional Cyber 9/12 competition. This is the second regional tournament championship in the past two years for PHC's Strategic Intelligence in National Security program.
The Cyber 9/12 Strategy competition was hosted by the Atlantic Council. PHC students finished in this virtual contest ahead of Air Force Command and Staff College and the West Point Military Academy in the final round. The cyber scenario centered on a hack into US financial systems and networks.
Team members included David Stokarski, Lily Young, Elijah Mendoza, and Connor Marr. The teams are coached by Professor Sam Watkins (Class of 2015) and Assistant Coaches Thomas Doan (‘22), Garrin Rose (‘24) and Sarah Crosby (‘24).
Read the full story here.
PHC marked the retirement of Professor Jock Binnie at the end of the Spring term with a congratulatory ceremony on Home Coming Weekend with friends, faculty, students, and alumni. Dr. Mitchell presented a PHC plaque and thanked him for his many years of service to PHC and our students. Professor Binnie retired after teaching in our Strategic Intelligence Program for 20 years. He taught two traditional courses: (1) Counterintelligence and (2) Law Enforcement and Civil Liberties. He also supervised several Strategic Intelligence Special Projects. He also served on the Strategic Intelligence Scholarship Committee. Although retired from teaching, he plans to remain an active supporter of the college and the Strategic Intelligence Program as a member on the Strategic Intelligence Board of Advisors.
We are very fortunate to have Adjunct Professor Mirriam-Grace MacIntyre come on board this term to teach the Counterintelligence course. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) where she oversees the daily operations of a national center dedicated to protecting America from foreign intelligence threats. In addition to her professional background, she brings experience with homeschooling including her work with the leadership of an Arlington, VA homeschool. We look forward to a very beneficial relationship with her as she joins the staff of our growing Strategic Intelligence program.
Patrick Henry College is the only Christian school with IAFIE certification. Additionally, PHC is one of two undergraduate programs in the U.S. providing BA degrees in national security with IAFIE certification.
What is the Cyber Domain and Artificial Intelligence Track?
We've got just the thing for you! Join us for Strategic Intelligence camp at Patrick Henry College. SI camp functions as a unique environment for Christian teens to interact with the idea of “How should intelligence look from a Christian perspective?” In our era, terrorism, privacy, security, legality, technology, and culture present increasingly thorny situations that touch intelligence and are extremely relevant to everyday citizens, both as patriots and as Christians. Through lectures, activities, simulations and discussions, SI Camp attempts to help students begin developing a framework for understanding key questions.