In the PHC Library catalog, you can search a variety of resources by title, author, keyword, or phrase, linking you to ebooks, print books in the on-campus collection, and journal articles from both general and subject specific databases. The more specific your search terms, the more specific the results will be. For our Distance Learning (DL) students, excerpts from print items held in the on campus library can be provided on request.
If you are accessing electronic resources from off-campus and are required to log in, use your student portal user name and password to gain access. If you have difficulty with the website or accessing any resources, please let library staff know by email at or
Professional library assistance is available on campus, by phone at 540-441-8400, or by email at
During this course, you will:
Develop an understanding of a biblical worldview.
New dictionary of Christian apologetics. Campbell and McGrath, editors, 2006. (In print only)
Christian apologetics : a comprehensive case for biblical faith. Douglas Groothuis, 2011.
Christian apologetics. Alan Richardson , 1948.
Christian apologetics past and present : a primary source reader. William and Oliphint, editors, 2009.
ProQuest and Academic Search Premier are general databases that are helpful. However, there are no subject specific databases suggested for this course.
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy provides online scholarly resources in support of a variety of philosophical research endeavors.
CARM - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry providesa quick and comprehensive overview of particular non-Christian religions and cults that can be helpful if you are unfamiliar with their beliefs and practices.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library created by Wheaton College and now managed by Calvin College, offers access to Christian classics online.
ARDA, Association of Religion Data Archives, offers resources in the scientific study of ideas. It also provides statistical information on the number of adherents to specific religions in various countries.
Search by subject: Once you have located a potential source in the catalog, click on the search term within the record to find other items on the same or similar subjects.
Once you locate a potential source, additional valuable resources may be listed in the item's bibliography.
If you are unable to locate an item in the PHC collection, you may request resources through Interlibrary loan. ILL requests may be made directly in the library catalog.
Zotero is a free citation management system that allows you to collect, organize, and cite your resources. It will create your footnotes, end notes, in-text citations, and bibliographies. You may find that a librarian would be helpful in quickly learning the program and its functionality.
Created: Dr. John Montgomery/Thornhill, 2011, 2013. Updated: Dr. Randy Newman/Thornhill, 2014, 2016. Reviewed: Newman/Thornhill, 2017. Updated: 2018, 2020.