7 students share what they're doing this summer

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 7/11/24 3:14 PM

Summer 2024 internships

If you've spent any amount of time perusing the PHC website, you know that apprenticeships are a key part of our teaching philosophy. Learning must be practiced in hands-on, tangible ways to be meaningful. So where are some of our interns at this summer? Read on to find out!

Amelia Ruiz (IPP, '26)

I am a rising junior majoring in International Politics and Policy. Right now I am a Policy and Government Affairs intern for the Family Research Council in D.C. I chose to intern at FRC because of how their biblical worldview aligns with mine. Additionally, foreign policy and abortion are two issues that are important to me and I am able to work on both of them during this internship.

So far in this internship, I've done research on how the government funds abortion internationally, the war in Israel, and the WHO (along with the pandemic agreement and the international health regulations). I have also critiqued Spanish translations of FRC documents and helped timestamp some of their Spanish audiobooks. Last week, a congressman from Peru came to FRC and I translated meetings and a capitol tour for him, his wife, and his staff. It was an incredible opportunity to interact on a personal level with someone in politics abroad.

For this internship, I hope to learn more about international politics from a think tank perspective. I am able to learn from incredibly smart people including my supervisor who has both a J.D. and a Ph.D. in international relations. I would also like to network while I'm living in D.C. and take the opportunity to meet as many successful Christians as I can.

PHC's Core Curriculum has given me the philosophical foundation to approach large and complex issues. – Amelia

Jason Chahyadi (APP, 25)
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I think Becket is carrying out such an important mission of protecting religious liberty in the courts. As followers of Christ, we have a unique opportunity to share the love of Christ and His gospel through protecting the freedom of religion.

I chose to intern at the firm not only because of its mission but also its culture of hard work and humility. I assist the attorneys and staffers by conducting research on topics adjacent to current cases being litigated, by organizing and collecting data, and by assisting with communications projects to help the firm's outreach efforts. I hope to be immersed in the process of the firm taking up a client and case, walking through the entire litigation process, and (hopefully before my internship is over) seeing the firm argue the case in court.

Research-heavy courses at PHC have especially prepared me to thoroughly analyze a certain topic and report it in a way that is comprehensive and as concise as possible. Additionally, competing in moot court has helped me to better understand how to read case law and distill the essential elements of each case. — Jason

Elizabeth Cheng (ESS, '26)
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I am an Environmental Science & Stewardship major with a minor in Music, graduating with the class of '26. This summer, I am a college intern at Alley Pond Environmental Center (APEC) in NYC, assisting APEC staff with their field biology internship program for high schoolers—a program I had attended myself in my high school years. I would like to apply what I have learned so far as an ESS major at PHC. 

As an intern, I have checked applicants' essays and helped with administrative tasks. In the coming weeks, I will be conducting interviews, preparing materials, helping to plan lessons, and assisting with various other tasks related to APEC’s science research program focused on urban water management. 

Through this internship, I hope to grow academically by learning skills that will help me in the fields of science and teaching, as well as gaining experience working in a professional environment. Most importantly, I hope to deepen my foundation in Christ and grow in wisdom regarding how to be a faithful steward of God's creation. 

Being a student at PHC has helped me to pursue excellence in all that I do for the glory of God yet to always be humble before God and before others. The faculty and community at PHC have reminded me to think about and see everything through the lens of God's Word. I am thankful for this opportunity to grow as a student and servant of God through my summer internship! — Elizabeth

Ryan Olson (APP, '26)
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Hey! I’m Ryan Olson, a rising junior studying American Politics and Policy.  

This summer, I am interning on Capitol Hill for Congressman Michael Cloud. I chose to work in Congress in order to get an inside look at the legislative process. 

In just a few weeks into my internship, I have led tours of the Capitol, handled constituent correspondence, written summative memos and policy explanations for staff, drafted newsletters and postcards to be sent to constituents, and attended committee hearings. During the past two weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to attend a foreign affairs hearing for budget requests and progress reports on the Israel-Palestine conflict and Dr. Fauci’s hearing on the nation’s response to COVID-19. I am so grateful for these experiences. 

In my time here, I hope to learn more about the inner workings of the federal government, make connections with others on the Hill, and become more proficient in my written and oral communication skills. 

PHC has helped me prepare to succeed in such a fast-paced work environment, to make genuine relationships with others in the workplace, and to write effectively and efficiently. And, as a bonus, I’m already used to wearing business casual every day! — Ryan

Rebecca Phillips (SI, '27)

I’m studying Strategic Intelligence in National Security and I graduate in the spring of 2027. Concerned Women for America has been a dream job so far! I'm doing legal research, writing on the NCAA transgender lawsuit, and I've published a few articles, including an upcoming one on U.S. v. Skrmetti, which is a pending Supreme Court case on a Tennessee state law that bans transgender treatments for minors.

I regularly attend Senate hearings and press conferences on the Hill, which has given me policy exposure and networking opportunities. I’ve also spoken on the CWA podcast about state laws that undermine Title IX and protections for women in locker rooms and sports. I chose CWA because of the pro-family issues they prioritize and their grounding in Christian liberty. Working alongside faithful Christians has been such a joy this summer! — Rebecca

James Staub (APP, '26)

intern (5)I am a rising junior majoring in American Politics and Policy. This summer, I have the privilege of interning in the Washington, D.C. area at Modern Age, a journal published by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.

I applied to Modern Age after working as the Managing Editor of The Public Square, a magazine produced by a team of American Politics and Policy students. Becoming involved in a student-led paper has allowed me to discover a new passion for political journalism. 

At Modern Age, I review and upload essays and op-eds from famous conservative leaders onto the journal's website. I also have the opportunity to meet with other interns and write articles that the editorial team can edit and eventually publish. I am thankful for the experience I gained at Patrick Henry College and look forward to pursuing similar opportunities in the future. — James

Danielle Robinson (CLA, '26)
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I am a Classical Liberal Arts major entering my 3rd year. I am working at a local pregnancy resource center in Winchester: AbbaCare. This center offers counseling for expectant mothers in crisis. This varies from mothers considering abortion to women who may need some material assistance once their baby is born. The center offers parenting classes, free diapers, baby clothes,  wipes, and other miscellaneous baby supplies. They also provide free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. 

My position works with the marketing and client counseling departments. I assist in preparing the center for events, and I am able to shadow the counselors. This allows me to sit in on ultrasounds and on client counseling.

I hope to learn more about how to minister to expectant mothers who are struggling with unexpected or difficult pregnancies. The mission of the center is to share the love of God with everyone who comes through the doors. I would love to be able to learn how some of the women who work at the center are able to consistently share God's love in difficult circumstances. — Danielle

Internships and the apprenticeship model at PHC


 Patrick Henry College exists to glorify God by challenging the status quo in higher education, lifting high both faith and reason within a rigorous academic environment; thereby preserving for posterity the ideals behind the "noble experiment in ordered liberty" that is the foundation of America.


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