PHC's Annual Travel Opportunities

Posted by Marjorie Pratt on 10/23/19 11:25 AM


When looking at potential colleges, how high does "travel opportunities" rank on your list of college must-haves? PHC may not have study abroad programs, but fear not! We have plenty of travel opportunities each year from missions trips to educational trips all across the US and the world!


For three years we have partnered with Passages, a non-profit organization dedicated to sending young Christians to Israel. Their goal is to educate Christ-followers on the basis of their religion.

Each year, a different member of the faculty has accompanied a group of PHC students. Together, the students and faculty see the most important sites to both the history of Christianity and today's modern politics. After the trip, Passages asks students to participate in post-trip activities designed to help cement in the minds of the students what they learned during their travels.

Greece / Rome

Every year Assistant Professor of History Dr. Favelo leads a trip to either Greece or Rome. In each country, he leads students through ancient ruins, history and art museums, and culturally important sites. He also makes sure everyone can experience the best food and entertainment in the area. In Rome, he makes sure to point out the best gelato spots.


Assistant Professor of Literature Dr. Grewell leads a group of students on a tour of England about every other year. The usual highlights include places like Charles Dickens' home, Westminster Abbey, and Shakespeare's Globe Theater. Everywhere students visit with Dr. Grewell will have deep cultural and/or literary value.


Every summer Tom and Selva Kweder, recruiters for an English as a Second Language (ESL) camp in China, gather a group of PHC students to help teach English to Chinese students. The group travels to Dongguan for five weeks to teach and experience the culture.


Though these are the trips student groups take abroad each year, they are not the only opportunities available. In the past, the school has participated in mission trips to Honduras and to Greece.

If you're not interested in studying abroad, but would rather see more of the States, every debate and sports team travels. Mock Trial and Moot Court competitors travel coast-to-coast, the Model UN team visits NYC each year, and the BP team makes multiple trips to New England. The sports teams tend to stay in the Delmarva area, but they travel nonetheless.

Making friends from other states is also a great excuse to see more of the country! 


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